A key element of healing is EXERCISE.
Before you think you need to obtain a gym membership, let me share simple ways you can exercise. Walking Dry brushing (not even really "moving" your body BUT it moves the lymph through your lymphatic/ garbage system) Extra up/down of stairs in your home Sit down/ stand up a few sets with your dining chairs Squats in the kitchen using your counter as support Sex (for you married folk) Now, if you can manage to sweat that's even better. Why? Because sweat is a way of your body detoxing - eliminating toxins from your cells through your pores. So, sweating... you can use a HOT bath with some essential oils, a suana, etc. Of course, if you have a gym membership GO USE IT. A rose bush: Do you see the beauty of the roses or the pain of the thorns?
A mountain: Do you see the adventure that awaits or the daunting task of the climb? A snowfall: Do you marvel at the formation of white powder in the sky and crisp calm that comes or just the work you have to do to clear the sidewalk? A hiccup in your plan: Do you see an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to show up and work or the glaring inconvenience? Do you see what I'm getting at? Often times the beauty around is also has some danger. Just about everything gives us an opportunity to flex our PERSPECTIVE muscle. We get to CHOOSE which we will focus on - the beauty or the danger. Choose beauty today, friends. Share that beauty with someone else so a positive perspective can ripple through our communities. Proverbs 11:27: Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor, but evil comes to him who searches for it. A loose translation of Prov 11:27 which states “Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor, but evil comes to him who searches for it.”
Healing is about putting up healthy boundaries for not only your physical body but also your emotional, mental, spiritual bodies as well. Be careful what you allow in through your eyes and ears as well as your mouth. Seek good today. Prayer... what connects us, so intimately, to the Creator. This is a significant element of healing.
It is okay to pray for struggles to be removed from your life. However, keep a right perspective regarding the answer of that prayer... and the timing of the answer. The Lord loves us too much to answer our request before we are truly ready. This can be a painful reality to walk through, yet it yields the very best result for the part of puzzle we fill. Forgiveness isn't just about forgiving the person who wronged you, it's about freeing you from the weight of that wrong.
Forgiveness is a blessing and intentional act that often requires practice because most people can't do it so freely or easily. Forgiveness is not always a one-time thing, either. I find that for many offenses I am having to forgive over and over again. I think this is because pain and grief are not linear. They are like waves that can come on strong or gently lap against your heart. Regardless of the strength, you are reminded of something painful. Some organs in the body in particular are related to the effects of withheld forgiveness. The throat, the respiratory system, the neck, the ankles, the back, and many others, are parts of the body that, when they hurt for no apparent reason, can indicate that the process of forgiveness hasn’t been completed. Could this be describing you? Confession: I have NOT mastered this. Each day provides many opportunities to practice forgiveness and it is up to me whether or not I flex that particular emotional muscle. What is something that seems impossible right now? What if you prayed, gave it to God, and allowed yourself to release the responsibility of trying to make it happen?
What is the definition of NUTRITION?
> The act or process of nourishing or being nourished specifically : the sum of the processes by which a person takes in and utilizes food substances What is the definition of NOURISH? > To provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition If you don't provide your body the nutrition it needs, substances it recognizes and is capable of processing, you cannot nourish your body. If you are not nourishing your body it will become sick. If you become sick, your body is telling you it requires attention. If you give it the right kind of attention you can help your body reverse the sickness and return to health. NUTRITION IS KEY. What area(s) of nutrition do you need help with? What sickness/ illness would your body like help reversing? What substances do you think might be slowing down your body's healing process? Let's connect and figure out what YOUR body is telling you needs help. -Coral, CEO, CHN, Cancer Mom |